Monday, October 27, 2008

The Banana Man.....

I'm sure you never thought it was possible but this past weekend the Shaver clan attended a Halloween Party and Jason was...... a BANANA! LOL He was hilarious! He kept standing next to people putting his hand in their pocket and saying, "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" LOL Too funny. We were all in the kitchen and Jason said to the room...."Gotta split" and too off running. Oh my gosh he was too funny that night. He ended up winning the best costume of the night due to his ability to BE THE BANANA...LOL
(I was Jason's girl....wearing his lettermen's jacket, class ring and crazy 90's hair)

I am less than 3 weeks from my 3Day Breast Cancer Walk....So EXCITED! I am only about $200 short of my goal of $2200 and hope to get it this weekend. After training and fundraising for a year....I can't believe it is almost here...very cool and of course....I will have my trusty camera with me to take snapshots for everyone :)

Have you ever wished you would have stopped something five minutes earlier? The boys and their friends...about 16 of them meet each Sunday afternoon to play a game of football for fun. This is of course after playing all day on Saturday in Pop Warner...LOL So they get together and I walk 8 miles during their play. The Mom's are standing around watching them and we call out "5 minutes" and they are all bummed as they have been having a great time for the past 3 hours! In the next five minutes we managed to have a bloody nose, 1 child went after another trying to punch him and then Christian and Ryan went after each other. It was CRAZY.....we should have stopped it 5 minutes earlier when everyone was happy.....uggg Hindsight hugh?

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