Monday, December 15, 2008

Night Terrors Passed On......

If you are reading this post, I am sure you know me well enough to understand that I have frequent, powerful Night Terrors. Unfortunately, I have passed this on to Noah. I thought at first that it was just an infrequent event that happened once in a while throughout a year but that is no longer the case. He is afraid to go to sleep now as he KNOWS he will have a nightmare. I have to promise him that he can come to my room if he gets one before I can turn out the light each night! Within an hour or two, he is in my bed shaking and clings to me. :(

I cannot tell you how this saddens me. These night terrors have plagued my life and controlled my sleep for as long as I can remember. I spent more nights in my Mom's bed then I did in mine growing up....even when I was a teenager! Now, Jason is constantly having to tell me "Its okay, you are just dreaming...go back to sleep". Its hard to explain the anxiety they produce but I will try.....

These are not your average little nightmare that you can't remember. Noah and I wake up screaming and running, breathing to the point of hyper-ventalating and it takes awhile to calm down. The images in our dreams are so vivid it is hard to separate the dream from reality. I am seeing the same characteristics in Noah that my entire family has explained about me my entire life. Even my SIC's had to witness my lovely Night Terror/Sleep Walking bit when we shared a room for the Women of Faith Conference! So frustrating!

I have tried prayer, my Mom had me in counseling when I was younger....nothing helps and to know that Noah is showing severe signs of following in my footsteps does not make me feel great!

We want better for our children and trust me this is an extremely dibilitating experience that controls your sleep, or lack thereof, as it is easier to not sleep sometimes. :(

Please pray for Noah that this will pass for him and not consume his life the way it has mine.......


Brooke Zimmermann said...

Oh, Heather, I'm so sorry. This must be so hard! I will be praying for him that God can take this from him.

Kristi said...

Oh, no, Heather! I'm so sorry to hear this! No fun! Praying for Noah and his very loving mama!